Recognizing Changes Within 

Anyone who knows how

to let God act in and through him/her

without too much interference on his/her part,

does many things in a short time

and never loses peace of heart.

 Maxim of Love 7:5
Jean-Pierre Medaille, SJ

Sharing our stories...

It is said that when Abba Agathon, a desert monk, was asked about how to pray, his response was: “In my opinion, there is no greater labour than that of prayer to God”.
So too, I found this maxim very difficult to live out in my life for many years. I sincerely wanted God to work in and through me, but to achieve this ‘without too much interference on my part,’ was an enormous challenge! I wondered if I could ever achieve this!
I would look back on my life through all its different phases of growth, and I could see where God was a huge part of my journey; but He was out there, and I was here! To let go, became a repetitive prayer for me. Over time, I recognized ever so slowly, this fire within, much like an inner source of strength and light from which I would draw on and seek out. Just like the potter, I was gently being fashioned and changed as time went on.
I know now that through my early years of family life, throughout my married life, and most profoundly through my journey with the Upper Room, and the wonderful, wonderful people I have had the privilege to journey with, I gradually began to “see” with new eyes and a new “heart”.
I believe that Father Medaille in his wisdom, knew that this Maxim of Love would be a challenge! To recognize these changes within, was an exhilarating experience. I felt that I had finally ‘climbed that mountain’! The freedom, the strength, the peace of heart and mind, and the energy to accomplish many things in a very small amount of time, blossomed within me!
Today, I am gifted with a great deal of peace of mind, courage and strength and the ability to let go, (most of the time!). I love to begin my day in prayer and presence, as I listen to daily Mass, journal, contemplate, listen again, and then close through thanking God for the gift of the day, no matter what the day will bring.
What a treasure I have in all of this labour of love and trust, and I am so very, very thankful that I reached out to grasp it.
Beth Picard
Ottawa, Ontario



#1 arletteh 2014-03-25 13:24
"and never loses peace of heart." What a great desire in my heart to experience that ! " Be still and know that I am God." Meditating on this line from the psalms has prevented me, especially during those times in the night when there was no peace, from "losing it"; that, along with great encouragement from spiritual companions. Thank you! We need each other and are most blessed to have each other!

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