These small faith communities explore the prophetic vision of our Jesuit founder, Jean-Pierre Médaille, who some 360 years ago described a unique way of living a holy, well-balanced spiritual life in the world that all persons could practice.
His marvellous spiritual text -The Eucharistic Letter - outlines a fairly comprehensive explanation of the vision and the reality for this new way of being and living. He called this Gospel way of life "The Little Design."
It was designed for women (and men) who lived 'outside the cloister' and were desirous of growing in holiness and serving the dear neighbour in one of the spiritual or corporal works of mercy. These are the Great Lovers of God who were learning how to undergo the emptying of their false self's and "at the same time" they noticed how they began to experience a wonderful inflowing of God's generous and compassionate LOVE coming forth from within themselves. This was truly marvellous!
This way of being and living could be described as "mystic-missionary' and there are numerous expressions of this charism manifesting today!
We believe the same Spirit of God drew us back to this SOURCE ... the Eucharistic Letter ... some years ago now and we have been celebrating and exploring what it means to be a Little Designer in this our 21st Century.
Copies of this Eucharistic Letter are available at The Upper Room upon request.
Here is a link to The Eucharistic Letter.
(Jean-Pierre Médaille, SJ, The Eucharistic Letter).
This spiritual movement of new beginnings of communities of "The Little Design" needs maximum freedom of Spirit and independence to let happen whatever is in God's plan.
The passion, energy, discernment and courageous zeal of the persons gathering today in small groupings is inspiration and hope for a new millenium of committed Christians.
and when it comes to you,follow it
rob you of the fruit of your obedience."
(Jean-Pierre Médaille, SJ, Maxims of Love 6:9)
If you wish to join in the dialogue and exploration of these Little Design Communities please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at 613-228-6987