Oh what a parallel between our real nothingness and the self-emptying of the dear Saviour in his divine sacrament! What condescension that he makes use of a priest, a frail/wretched and often sinful man, for so great a mystery! But what goodness that he should make use of us for our little institutions.


Such marvelous goodness that God’s creative plan ‘needs us’ to fulfill God’s dream, to make manifest God’s little design.  Just as God needs the priest to make Jesus present in the Eucharist, so God needs us to be the instruments in communicating Pure Love to others. This will require mature faith to ‘see Christ’ present in the Eucharist and to ‘see Christ’ present in all others, whoever they may be. How good our God is to use us for this ‘little plan’ of spreading, communicating and multiplying LOVE in a big world! Is the worldwide web the ‘new COMMUNAL gathering place’ for great lovers to find the encouragement and the support needed as we remain faithful and fruitful in our mission?


Yes, in summary, the parallels between ‘our real nothingness’ and Jesus’ self-emptying in the Eucharist seem clearer now. Once again, I find Father Medaille’s use of the interaction between the words ‘what a condescension’ and ‘for so great a mystery’ truly wise and profoundly mystical. Just as he is so conscious of the grandeur and dignity of being called into this Little Design way of life, he reminds us, that for God, this must be a condescension, a coming down voluntarily, to be on equal terms with inferiors and choosing amicably to empower us. And doing all this for us, God makes a display of such sweet courtesy toward us! Is there possibly some divine comedy here? In spite of our weakness, our nothingness, and even our sinfulness, God triumphs in these humble, receptive souls. Such is the power and generosity of our God!  Ours is a God who so loves the world; a God who is so desirous of sharing intimate communion with us. God is a lover of humanity and never shames the human condition. Jesus came as Emmanuel to remind us we were made for a greater destiny … created for glory! Let’s go forth now and be joyful bearers of this ‘good news’…

See often the greatness of your soul in God
and its nothingness in itself. 
M.P. 1:4


Can you marvel at being such an ‘instrument of God’ in the world?



#5 stmarys 2012-12-13 20:16
We are called to communicate God's love to others. There are times in my weak, human condition that the best I can do is to remind myself that God loves this individual, and at that moment I am asked simply to reverence them and to pray for them.
#4 slees 2012-11-11 03:39
"This will require mature faith to 'see Christ' present in the Eucharist and to 'see Christ' present in all others, whoever they may be." I was thinking that even the mature faith required to 'see Christ' is not something that we can 'do'; even that growth in the gift to see as Jesus sees is gift.

This is terribly challenging! A few weeks ago, a father and mother came to see me to talk about their 22 year-old son who was living with them, because of his economic situation after his involvement in a life of violence and crime.

The parents were asking for my help and willingness to work with their son, although the son did not want help or to see a doctor. After two sessions, I was afraid myself because of how he expressed himself, the things he shared with me, and the coarse and sexual language and acting out that he demonstrated.

After a few sessions, I believed that this young man was beyond my competence, and truthfully, I wanted to refer him.

I did refer the young man and his parents to a medical doctor, and told the parents that if their son decided at some time in the future that he wanted to talk to me, he would need to contact me directly for an appointment, and register for my services. Two weeks passed, the young man and his family tried to go with the psychiatrist to whom I referred them, but did not feel comfortable. This week, the young man called me and asked if I could meet with him, that he needed help.

I have believed all of my life that nothing is impossible, but I have also become more tired of the work that accompanies that conviction. Every time that I remember God's unlimited view of me and his constant gifts, I feel so badly when I am not willing to extend that to another human being. You are right, this way of life is demanding and requires companions on the way!
#3 arletteh 2012-11-05 13:11
Between the reality of (in ourselves) our nothingness and the One on High who can fill all our longings,is an unbridgable chasm, EXCEPT for the "condescension" , the descending down to our nothingness by Jesus Christ.And the impassable chasm is filled to overflowing with the immensity of God's love for us,the love that continuously searches us out!And the littleness of the Little Design is a gateway to that Love !
#2 virginia 2012-11-04 21:04
I never thought of it that way! This is a true parallel - our real nothingness and the incomprehensibl e condescenion of our God. Yes, and despite our profound nothingness, we ( as does the priest at Mass) receive such grace and pass it on. There is so much in the Eucharist and this Eucharistic Letter to contemplate and become! Whenever God uses me, I do marvel, and bow in my heart to a great and merciful God who wills to use me as an instrument of His great glory!
#1 rosemaryo 2012-11-04 03:31
Yes, indeed, I do "marvel" at God's energy field of Love passing through all of us in this expansive movement of Little Design that spans all time and cultures. Like Eucharist it is universal and mystical.

Our Little Design prayer - from Judy Cannato's book, Field of Compassion - says it so well:

Help me to be open to your lavish grace,
to receive it without fear
and with the conviction that you want nothing more
than for me to receive it.
In turn, may I be gracious to others,
an instrument of your lavish grace to all I meet.

Being 'an instrument of God' in the world is our true destiny. What a sacred calling! Welcome to all Little Design companions united in circling the world with LOVE.

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