Furthermore, my dear daughter, this Sacrament is a mystery of union, and it brings this very union about: it (this Sacrament) unites all creatures to himself and to God, his father, and, think of the title communion, he unites all the faithful among themselves by a common union. Of this union Jesus speaks in profoundly moving terms when he asks his father that all may be one, that they may be perfectly one in him and in God, his father, just as the father and he are but one.
The Eucharist makes Christ present in a relational dynamic that unites us to the Triune God. Eucharist invites us to make ourselves present to Christ, to one another and to the world. This ‘communion’ is accomplished by God. When the Little Designers are living in this Divine communion they become instruments of unity. This quality of unity is a gift of God and challenges us in connecting with the energy of our inter-relatedness. Jesus Himself cries out to his Father to call forth a gathering of persons to share with them the very same mission of unity. “May they all be one, as you are in me and I am in you, may they all be one.” (Jn.21)
Ponder here the mystical nature of our relationships in this total double union. We don’t accomplish the union… it is of divine origin… a mystery… a beholding that leaves us, weak instruments, in awe of God, that Higher Power, who works through us in our human, physical relationships, in the here and now. God’s love keeps taking on flesh and language and gestures that incarnate Love today… yes, through us Little Designers who live and work in a Big World. All are called into this communion… with ALL.
“Communion is a principle of life. It is the principle of the Universe. It refers to the fact of interconnectedness and interrelatedness among all that exists. Through this principle, relationship is perceived as the essence of being and becoming, and contemporary physics demonstrates this. The question scientists ask is who/what makes this so? And the answer is beyond the field of science.
The nature mystic knows it is an energy that transcends all things. The Christian mystic calls it God and God is love, so the Christian knows that Love is the answer. So the heart of any communion is Love. The principle of communion affirms that the intricate web of relationships that exist throughout the Universe is another law of God. It invites us to see ourselves in relationship to the community of all beings. So our charism of communion is at the heart of the Universe.” (from Sr. Monica Hartnett, notes on the Eucharistic Letter)
Does this COMMUNION fill you with awe?
Just this week, I came upon this quote from Jean Vanier, Our Journey Home, p.193:
"True unity cannot be achieved in a family or community
which denies differences
and behaves as if everyone should be the same
and think in the same way.
Unity is achieved when each member of the body
is different and contributes a different gift
but all are united around the same goal
by mutual love."
It would seem that Pere Medaille,the mystic,caught the profound dignity and marvel of everything belonging and everything alive and vibrating at the same frequency of Divine Love ... and Love 'lives and breathes and moves' in 'the little', 'the hidden' and 'self-emptied' ... but is Ever Present ...LIFE and LOVE.
And DIVINE LOVE lets itself be found in Eucharistic bread and wine where it is taken and broken,tasted and eaten, shared among the many ... and we become 'one' in this communion...the great divine Oneness ... that celebrates diversity!