Now, my dear daughter is not all of this found in a marvellous manner in the holy Eucharist? What is more humble than our dear Jesus in this mystery! What more modest, more mild and gentle, more simple and candid, more full of God and empty of all the rest! 

The Eucharist presents us with the model of all the virtues of a Little Design Community. Can we see these alive in us today? Can it be said of me as it is of Jesus? Am I…

humble       modest    compassionate     gentle      simple    open    filled with God


It may be helpful to recall here what classical theology teaches about the meaning of the word ‘virtue’ in its pristine essence. Virtues are ‘energies’ and reflect our ‘participation in the life of God’. It is from this divine life flowing within us that we draw the potential for the sanctification of our own soul. It is the Divine inner ‘energizing’ that motivates and inspires us to work for the sanctification of others and encourage them along in the mystical Way. It is divine Love’s activating and co-creating power that urges us on in spreading the good news of this Little Design movement throughout the world. It is all God’s activity. It is God’s creation and we are simply the instruments … humble, open and receptive.


And we know now that we must live out this grace in the ordinariness of our daily lives. As we go through our struggles and joys, we will be energized by these inward ‘virtues’ and limited only by our human weakness. Nature and grace are always commingling. How admirable these virtues when we see them manifest in our members – humility, compassion, gentleness simplicity, openness, modesty.

Lovely to behold!

Recognize the ‘graced energy’ working in a situation in your life now.


#4 stmarys 2013-06-25 20:23
Yesterday I attended a funeral liturgy for a 91 year old man. The celebrant was almost that old as well. He moved about/prayed slowly and deliberately. His homily was personal and Scriptural (right on). Two sons shared the readings; another sang a duet with his son (they have been estranged for some time); and yet another gave a reflection remembering his father as a Christian and in love with his wife. This son shared the last touching moments with his father...a very personal, sensitive moment. The entire experience was a gift to the whole assembly! In this one Eucharistic liturgy every one of the above virtues - humility, modesty, compassion, gentleness, simplicity, openness, filled with God- were present. I am grateful to have been graced to recognize the fullness of the Spirit so tangibly present there. This experience challenges me to go and do likewise.
#3 rosemaryo 2013-03-11 13:19
We are all back home now after our weekend retreat on ‘boundless compassion’. For sure, I found myself more profoundly than usual, living in the flow of grace… for it was an inward-outward flow with 50 people gathered in one place for this extended time. I was very aware that my speaking and my listening were being fueled by a sensitivity and quality of presence beyond my human capacity. During an hour of vespers and communal contemplative prayer before the Eucharist on Saturday evening, quite unexpectedly, I received a sensible consolation from the Boundless Lover – lavish grace received, lavish grace given!
#2 arletteh 2013-03-11 00:58
The graced energy of littleness, humility, is very much helping my present situation.i am able to hope that, whatever lies ahead ,I can wait for an answer,re-see a situation,go deeper if i cannot go wider,be open.The sharing of hearts with a close "Little Design" group ,the genuineness and depth of sharing is delightful and can make up for the times of isolation.
#1 daviddhunoo 2013-03-09 22:36
Little Design :brothers ,sisters :we should move by The Power of God gifts through the Holy Spirit ,those attributes come when we let the Spirit move or push ,just as the wind penetrate the sail of a ship and move above the ocean ,so let the Divine Energy helping us inwardly as well externally above the vast ocean of Life .The fullness of God is doing just as Jesus did when He was on earth .Let us follow The Example. Amen .

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