For it seems to me that our little nothing has for its end to procure a great perfection of souls (transformation) rather than simply their salvation.


Rather playfully it seems, our dear Abba, refers to our Little Design as “our little nothing.” And yet, out of the littleness and mystical ‘nothingness’ of the persons who compose the community of Little Design, there will  be a great thrust towards the sanctification of a great number of souls worldwide.


Jesus made a perfect consecration of himself to his Father in his sacrifice in order to make the way of sanctification open to all. “I consecrate myself (or I sacrifice myself) in order that they also may be sanctified in truth.” (John 17:19)


The Sacrament of the Eucharist, has an ‘efficacy for the advancement of the glory of God and the salvation of souls,” and is a perfect model of the goal of the Little Design communities.


There will be an overflow into some apostolic efficacy. There can be no rules or boundaries to where this Divine Love can take us, send us, move us. Love becomes visible in some actions - somewhere – somehow. Stay awake and observe the flow of grace in you and through you and beyond you… and then return to the Source…

“Love Love and let Love love through you.”

What can you say of this dynamic interaction?



#5 virginia 2013-04-21 15:11
I have been away on a trip the last few weeks, but there was no stopping God's Love and Grace from overwhelming me! I did not receive the Eucharist daily as usual, nor could I have our Little Design Hours of Adoration on my Tuesdays. But I experienced Love - loving thru me even in different circumstances in great faithfulness. I was able to visit the Queen of the Universe Basilica in Orlando, Florida and know what you, Rosemary, arletteh, and david are speaking about---not only our salvation but becoming holy and perfect, spotless in God's sight!
#4 arletteh 2013-04-12 18:13
littleness-humi lity-trust-the little mustard seed!--how beautiful!
#3 rosemaryo 2013-04-10 22:45
I guess these days, I too am marvelling at this 'little nothing' - this 'little design way of life' - that yes, it can truly be such an instrument of transformation in oneself, and in communities and possibly even one day,the entire world! There is such freedom in the humility of this little way!

This openness to outcome keeps us aware and alert for Spirit breakout!
"There can be no rules or boundaries to where this Divine Love can take us, send us, move us. Love becomes visible in some actions - somewhere – somehow."
#2 daviddhunoo 2013-04-07 03:07
As I read in Philippians 2:6-9,the great lesson of humility ,so this is the perfect example for the followers of the Lord to imitate the Master .( Let us build a house or place where hands will reach beyond the wood and stone,To heal and strengthen, serve and teach ,and live the WORD they have known .Here the outcast and the stranger bears the image of God's face,Let us bring an end to fear and danger .All are Welcome.)Let us be the Spring of Love ,coming from the Lord and let it flows always,those who see it will jump in and let Love of Our Lord consume them .AMEN.'
#1 arletteh 2013-04-06 23:30
The Love given can be very energizing. And one must give it away. And then there can be a great fatigue. The heart and spirit yearn to be filled again and they return to the Source: through prayer and contemplation. In the divine timing, the infilling happens again, only to be given away again. Thanks be to God for the Source! One grows in trust for Love to be given again.

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