Likewise, let us see Jesus in the Holy Eucharist completely stripped of everything. We give him adornments and we take them away at will. He accepts them or lets them go without any resistance. He is himself his own father as he is ours, and the priest at the consecration is only the instrument of his power.
The Eucharist is pure, whole, and entire Triune God - whether the externals or the adornments are present or not. They do not change the ‘essence’. So likewise, the Little Designers must not think about what they need to have externally in order to be Little Design communities. The essence is simply a union of all persons living in the Heart of God. Is this a caution for us in these times? We must not be concerned about ‘the adornments’ and what is non-essential as we move into living this profound vision on into the Third Millennium.
This ‘being stripped of everything’ that is not one’s true self… is a holy work. It is the Divine Therapy (Thomas Keating’s words for the transformative process) that heals and restores us to our diamond centre (Thomas Merton’s words for the true self). Yes, by the mystical power of God working within us – and our cooperation and receptivity - we will be and become the persons God created us to be: fully human, fully alive, to the glory of God! A pivotal maxim: ‘Have only one desire throughout your life: to be and to become the person God wills you to be in nature, in grace, and in glory, for time and for eternity.’ M.P. 10:6
We, as Little Designers, must hold fast to the essential essence at the heart of our way of life. In all its pristine essence lies a God of Infinite Love who draws us to the Eucharistic table feast to be nourished - take and eat and share! This Life makes us penetrate more deeply still into what Eucharist truly signifies: the unity of all in the Son who unites us all to the Father in the same unity which he and the Father share. We begin to experience ‘this communion’ which unites all and leaves nothing outside of it… and leads to the living of THIS love, even in the everyday details of our lives. The ‘adornments’ are not the essentials. These may come and go. God-with-us remains! The giving or taking away of ‘adornments’ is only an affective sign of the detachment of Jesus. Can you look up and see only ‘Jesus’?
Can I ‘see the essence’ and not stress so much the adornments in my life?
Being and becoming the person God created us to be is truly a 'work of art,' which I believe is the essence of the Little Design.
I see Eucharist as nourishment, sustenance, food for the journey that the Little Design Communities need to incarnate this divine presence in our world today and invite others to do so also.
Not needing 'adornments' any more, we cherish the freedom, and lightness of being that comes from living more and more from our true 'diamond selves.' Blessed are those moving toward the essential One thing necessary!!