There, our dear sister, is the end of our totally selfless Congregation. It tends to achieve this total double union: of ourselves and of every dear neighbour with God and of ourselves with every neighbour, whoever they may be, and of every dear neighbour among themselves and with us, but all in Jesus and in God his Father.
Here Fr. Medaille gives us our mission statement. This is where we are ALL going. The single end of a totally selfless Little Design community will be a group of persons living in ‘total double union.’ Our thrust towards union must be deeply personal, radically relational and profoundly human, as was that of Jesus. Our mission, like Jesus’, must spring to life in the midst of the world, just as it is now – encountering the men and women of our day with all the difficulties and opportunities that we face daily. We look for no short cuts or escapes from our present reality… where God is … right here, right now!
The depth of this kind of genuine unity will require of us that we enter into our relationships mindful of our own self, including our shadow. Our daily examen of consciousness will challenge us to consider our attachments and our neediness. Aware of these, we call upon God’s grace to correct, amend and restore any imbalances or poverties …so that we might enter into a more authentic relationship with self and others.
Many times, we will experience the Great Lover purging us, emptying us of our false and wounded ego selves. Codependent patterns of relating will need to be reworked into truly loving partnerships. Our deep prayer now might be: ‘I desire to unite my life to your life, my thoughts to your thoughts, my affections to your affections, my heart to your heart, my works to your works, my whole self to yourself.” (Medaille, Maxims of Perfection, Part Two, Chapter 3)
We speak today of ‘active and inclusive love.’ We all desire to be consumed with Love, seized by Love, enkindled by Love, touched by Love, taken up into Love… and this Love will flow into our presence to all people we meet. This Love will unite us to all. For us and for Fr. Medaille and for all mystics – this union with God and union with one another - cannot be untangled into separate threads. The mission of ‘total double union’ interweaves all our relationships with one another. There is no hierarchy! One Love unites all. Our spirituality, when it is faithfully responded to, will lead us to a mysticism of relationships. However, this noble and pure END cannot be ‘known’ unless there is – at the same time as the receiving of Divine Love - an emptying of all that is false and illusory in our ego self.
Are you becoming more mindful of the simultaneous self-emptying
and being filled with God?
The older I become I, too, see that many of my noes have changed to yes. As I see God's faithfulness in my life, I can let go more easily...knowin g God will fill - even sate - the void! Thank you, God, for your Love, for your many gifts, your presence.
The nightly examen has helped me. Reflecting on my thoughts, words and actions to see if they have been according to what the Gospel reveals has been a way for me to change and grow. I have noticed that when I have emptied my self of "self" I have had true joy as God's love filled me in a relationship or circumstance.
Yes, Jesus in His Eucharistic Presence reveals to me the end that I, too, desire--- that total double union and at the same time Jesus personally supplies me with the grace I need to live it.