Serving in spirit teaches us the interior life; serving in truth teaches us the diversity of services which the divine Goodness demands and that he wants to be proportionate, suitable and fitting to the diversity of sex, social class and age.

The apostolic goal of ‘serving in spirit and in truth’ is seen in the way Jesus gives himself in the Eucharist. This requires an on-going discernment for each Little Designer to live faithfully the interior call of God and to do one’s own authentic ministry. Father Medaille names some very helpful directives regarding these ‘various services - that they be in proportion, suitable and adapted to the differences in sex, rank and age.’ There is a harmony and a respect for our humanness and giftedness. The apostolic mandate of each Little Designer will be perfectly tailored to his/her uniqueness.

Try to discover how each person is drawn by the Holy Spirit and the way in which God desires to lead him/her.” (P.C. p.45)

The mention here of ‘differences in sex’ is an interesting aha! Did Father Médaille envision even then that this way of life would be suitable and attractive for men and women as individuals, as married couples, as well as for celibates and single persons? Such inclusivity and beauty as men and women come together in a variety of ways to offer services for the dear neighbour - the world. Even though, he keeps addressing them in the Eucharistic Letter as ‘my dear daughters,’ we hope he means that we women will be the ones who do the inviting, we do the including, and we do the gathering-into-relationship those men and women who are likewise seeking to live lives of deep contemplation and service. Let us move forward on this journey into ever more “Oneness.”

This manner of living in our individual homes requires a psychological maturity as well as a spiritual maturity. Each Little Designer will hopefully be growing in their awareness of their unique woundedness (as well as giftedness). There is healthy encouragement to seek recovery in those areas where we experience some dysfunctionality. The ‘communion’ of the members when they gather in their small groups of three to six persons will keep fostering healthy sharing of hearts and challenging each other to rise to ‘the more’ - more compassion, more serenity in accepting the things they cannot change, and more truthfulness in their vulnerability and giftedness.  

Keep maturing and growing in all ways into Christ!

Am I living in right harmony with my inner life and outer life?


#2 arletteh 2013-06-07 13:32
To worship "in spirit and in truth ": Medaille's use of the words "spirit" and "truth" are clarifying that statement somewhat: "In spirit, we learn to live the interior life".. In "truth", we learn how to live that spirit in the context of our everyday life, with all its demands. The Little Design spirituality has simplified the journey for me and I have chosen it as a definitive way of life.
#1 virginia 2013-06-02 19:25
I know that when I am living in right harmony, I am filled with peace and joy. I witnessed that today in joining with Pope Francis and all of God's people in the unprecendented Worldwide Solemn Eucharistic Adoration at St. Peter's Basilica. I was one with them as I am, also with S. Rosemary and her Little Designers in Le Puy on this day.
All of us, so unique and different but drawn together with cords of Love in the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus! Inwardly, we are being healed and whole and outwardly we are at peace.

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