Now, this is what the dear Jesus very obviously brings about in the Eucharist, and by means of the Eucharist, as he communicates himself to the people.
There seems to be within these concluding paragraphs such a burning zeal bursting forth. Father Médaille is emboldened to proclaim a call to action. It is a call to empower the spiritual giftedness that is rising up in our families, parishes and neighbourhoods. Awaken those leaders and prophets, teachers and musicians, poets and dreamers, lovers and youth, elders and pastors… come to the Feast of Love… come with us into the world …for the harvest is waiting and the labourers are few. Gather up the greatest number of persons in the world to “serve in spirit and in truth.”
What an apostolate for our time. Here is the blueprint in the Eucharistic Letter for a spiritual apostolate that offers the world a simple, little, hidden and self-emptied way of life that will empower them as individuals and as small communities. As we watch them begin to manifest here and there around the world, we will observe how they will keep mutating and multiplying and expanding across and within the global community of the world.
This is the greatest adventure of Love - all peoples, all races, all cultures, all nations - uniting under the banner of Love. All of us, dear children of God.
How do you experience the call to ‘the more’?