Where to now?
The spread of The Little Design way of life has become for us now, our mission in and for the world. Here and there these ‘knowings’ just popped up into our consciousness and we began to hear the call to just go do it! We often get a sense/intuition that this IS the “perhaps in time” moment Father Medaille wrote about centuries ago. Remember his prayer that “God grant that these little design communities be established throughout the whole church.” (E.L.) We are to be simply instruments of God’s Great Love. Most days, we experience it to be almost alive and in our cells radiating with all the fruits of the Spirit. We come now to share the “lavish grace” with you.
We loved its littleness, simplicity and freedom. There was such a peace and joy and movement of grace amongst us that we felt moved in the Spirit to ‘go do it’. This next step seemed to just be there, inviting us. So with gentleness, peace and courage, we give the visioning call our full and resounding ‘YES.’
We waited patiently for ‘the image’ we needed to help us carry this message out into the world. When we spontaneously found this ‘Beams of Love’ art by Sr. Mary Southard, CSJ (La Grange, USA) we all went “Yes, this is it!” Thank you, Mary, for your giftedness and generosity in granting us permission to use Beams of Love as our logo for these Little Design Communities worldwide. It truly is a contemporary image of “the love of Christ has gathered us together as one.” (CSJ motto)
“Beams of Love” Artist: Mary Southard, CSJ
www.MarySouthardArt.Org Congregation of St. Joseph
Truly amongst a large number of the people of God, Christ-consciousness is rising up everywhere around the world. All these enlightened ‘little people’ are being gathered together as one in the radiant beams of Divine Light and Love. At the same time, we become ‘instruments’ in our world sharing the “lavish grace” with others. It is all about “Be loving Love and let Love love through us.”
So with our logo and materials all in readiness, Rudy Camelin, our expert web master, came to our assistance with creating our new website: Little Design Communities ~ Circling the World with Love. With humble awe and grateful joy we share this reflection binder with all those who may be seeking a more contemplative way of being and living the Gospel in this Third Millennium.
Perhaps in time…
"There is a season for everything, a time for every occupation under heaven. A TIME FOR GIVING BIRTH, a time for dying.” (Eccl.3:1) We stand now at the threshold of a new critical moment in our history, not only for religious institutions but also for the Church and the world community. There are so many shifts emerging and as the letting go of the old happens, the new births are manifesting. Could it be that Fr. Medaille and the unknown women who first explored this way of life have drawn us back into the source of this extraordinarily strong charism? “May we all be one.”
Many of us desire a new interior place of rebirth. May those who come into this NEW WAY of being Great Lovers of God in the 21st Century, find companions for sharing the journey. This Millennium is a graced time when all committed Christians around the world are being called to live from our deepest mystical roots and know how to live in a community of “total double union” with all humanity.
Join us now online at our website and let’s keep circling the world with LOVE.
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