Year One: 8 gatherings
We suggest that you set aside 2-3 hours for every Little Design Community Gathering in your own homes. Enjoy these special times of getting together to share quiet prayer, reflective conversations, learning new understandings, sharing hearts and enjoying refreshments. Mutual trust and bonding will grow over time. Be gentle in your beginnings... grow wise together. Allow the Spirit to lead you along the way of holiness and wholeness.
TWO OPTIONS - go to the Free Downloads (100 pages) or purchase a Binder with all the printed material found on this website. ($30.00 each)

Welcome! This first conversation is based on the opening section of the binder - or this website. We feel it is important for our Newcomers to have some sense of the origins of this unique form of community. It is a prophetic-mystical community that embraces ALL who are yearning for a deeper union with God, all others, and creation. You will learn/see that it has just recently been 'discovered' as a pearl of great price - stored in the heritage of the Sisters of St. Joseph. We too are awakening to its new mystical meaning and possibilities for NEW forms of committed life for all Christians.
Sip together the cup of blessing!

This month your reading, praying and reflecting will flow from the first 5 paragraphs of The Eucharistic Letter.
The theme is: THE VISION AND ESSENCE OF A LITTLE DESIGN COMMUNITY. You will find much to chat about in these pages.
Enjoy a deepening experience as you share hearts and listen to each other's stories.
...and the greatest of these is Love!

This month's reflection and sharing invites us into the very real mystical depths of our Little Design community experience. We will be exploring our understanding of paragraphs 6-10 of The Eucharistic Letter. These paragraphs deal with "A REAL NOTHINGNESS" - no founder, no house of its own, even our part in it, amounts to nothing! We hope that you will find yourself marvelling at the joyous humility and freedom of this 'little way'.Enjoy bonding with your new soul-friends as you pour out your hearts with ease and gentleness and candour.
Empty ... yet filled with Love!

This month we move into a very significant section of the Eucharistic Letter. We will be reading and pondering paragraphs 11-18 of The Eucharistic Letter. The theme is "THE EVANGELICAL COUNSELS". Here you will grasp the expansiveness of Fr. Medaille's vision. Yes, all of us are called into living the Gospel counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience. Welcome to all the 'great lovers of God' moving more consciously into this way of being and living in community in the world... in this Third Millenium. Hold each other in prayer as the days and weeks go by. It is "the love of Christ that gathers us together as one."
Live simply. Love purely. Listen deeply.

The theme for this month speaks to the heart of our Little Design Community way of life in the world. The paragraphs 19-25 of The Eucharistic Letter will guide us in our lived experience of seeing how LOVE within us does all the uniting of ourselves with all others, with God and with all creation. Truly these 'Beams of Love' are continuously embracing us in"the lavish grace!" The phrase coined by Fr. Medaille - THE TOTAL DOUBLE UNION - is our theme for this gathering. Trust how these gatherings where we "eat, pray and love" really bring us into a deeper communion. Share your heart's desires and experiences with us online.
May we all be one!

It is only now that Fr. Medaille speaks with us about the activites that will naturally flow from living in the mindfulness of Great Love. We will ponder and share how the contemplative soul understands this movement as a flow of 'grace in' and 'grace out'... yes, the lavish grace from the Beams of LOVE cannot help being shared with others. There is a unique expression for each person! Celebrate the diversity of expressions found in your own Little Design Community. How do each of you "love LOVE and let LOVE love through you"? The theme this month is THE VIRTUES, ACTIVITIES, AND NATURE OF THE LITTLE DESIGN COMMUNITIES.

We think you will find this month's theme very appealing. Father Medaille encourages us in paragraphs 34 and 35 of The Eucharistic Letter to prepare for the next step of passing on this Good News to others. With some discernment, he suggests each member invites 3 persons - most likely found in your immediate circle of family, friends or parishioners, who you think may be experiencing a call or a desire for a small faith community similar to what you are enjoying. The theme for this month is THE GROWTH AND SPREAD OF THE LITTLE DESIGN COMMUNITIES. Enjoy your sharing of hearts.
Proclaim Good News today!

This month we conclude our initial round of a study of The Eucharistic Letter. We will be praying and discussing the final paragraphs 36-42. The theme is THE FOOD, THE HOMES, THE ACTIVITIES, AND SUMMARY. We hope that you will find these concluding paragraphs and commentary both,down-to-earth and profoundly mystical! Such paradox and yet such wisdom! It is truly amazing and marvellous that God can use 'weak instruments' like us to contribute to the building up of the Body of Christ in the world. You might want to plan a special agape meal or BBQ to celebrate your first year of being a Little Design Community. Come back online and share with us in the Chat Forum.
All is well with my soul!