What's New
APRIL 3, 2013: Our Easter Gathering

Since, this week at Lesson 31 - we were invited to share a little about our Little Design community, I asked our ladies, if they would be willing to share a photo of us at Marian's home where we gathered on Wednesday afternoon for our sharing of hearts. Since, we are among the founding members of Little Design communities here in Ottawa, we affectionately, call ourselves, "the Medaille Mesdames".
Yesterday, we told stories of our beginnings at the convent on Primrose Avenue. We spoke about those potent images and words spoken at a Visioning Day before we even realized the Spirit was 'forming' us into a community. We shared memories of our friends, Pam and Agnes, who died with such grace and wisdom and dignity.
Inspired and edified by a new book written by Agnes' husband, 'Notes to my Grandchildren by Papa' we challenged each other to write a few pages each on ONE Life Lesson that we could pass on to our Community as a legacy - gleaned from our years of prayer, reflection, reading and lived experience.
Stay tuned ... as we may be extending this invitation - to ALL our online readers and participants. What a wonderful ONLINE WISDOM CIRCLE we could gather up!