What's New
AUGUST 27, 2012: Vvisitors From New York
What a delight! Today at the Upper Room, we welcomed visitors from Watertown, New York - Sr. Bethany and Sr Kathleen. Shortly after we launched our new website, we got an email inquiring if some of the Sisters from Watertown could come for a visit and hear about the Little Design story 'live' from Evelyn and myself.
We set the date for today and all was in readiness! Bethany and Kathleen arrived late morning and we enjoyed animated conversation before, during and after lunch.
Once again, the kitchen became the nurturing place for sharing hearts and stories of our readiness for this new way of sharing our charism with the companions who gather around us. Evelyn and I were very encouraged when we listened to the resonance and joy that overflowed... and we celebrated Spirit ... bringing forth new life.
They went home with 4 of the new binders and extra 'sharing of hearts' cards... and ... we await what comes to pass as they share this Eucharistic Letter Revisited with their sisters and associates. We plan to stay in touch.
Thanks for coming and sharing your questions, your hopes, your understandings... your beautiful selves!
Evelyn and Rosemary