Put Out into the Deep Water
Reading Luke 5: 1-11
When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon,
“Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.”
Simon answered, “Master, we have worked all night long
But have caught nothing. Yet if you say so, I will let down the nets.”
When they had done this, they caught so many fish
that their nets were beginning to break…
One early morning, just after sunrise, we pilgrims set off from shore by replica boat to go across to the other side to the Mount of the Beatitudes. The hour sea-voyage was a wonderful contemplation of earth and sea and sky and ‘miracles’ about to happen when we ‘let down our nets for a catch’. Out in the middle of the sea with the waves rising and falling and the sparkling clear waters lapping against the boat, it seemed to me like we all fell into a restful silence. I for one was pondering those moments when I knew …I could go no further by myself… when all my efforts to succeed by trying harder where failing… when my ego self was powerless to break through the barriers of limit-situations I found myself struggling with … And like Peter, I’m sure I informed Jesus that I had worked all night and was not able to get a catch, not able to find a solution to the problem! And then those firm and clear words of command: “Let down your nets for a catch.”
And that obedience to the voice of God within me was the HUGE turning point. Yes, deep out into the waters now, it was God taking the lead, guiding my life’s direction, offering me the way of solace. His words then and now are for all of us the saving grace that can offer us the miracle of an abundant life. Yes, when we put down our nets, give up our control of the situation, surrender our place and our timing, we allow the living GOD to flow into our lives - our nets. In that moment we are filled with a miraculous restoration of love and peace. Where there had been frustration and unrest, now our hearts are filled with calm and acceptance.
There is an awakening taking place as we realize our life’s work will be ‘catching people’ and drawing them out into the deep waters of this Mystery and there allowing God to touch their souls with intimate union- overflowing into joy and zeal for the kingdom. There will come a time for an abundance of faithful companions - so much so, that we will have to call upon each other to work together, to build together, to create community and church together. It is Jesus who says: “Do not be afraid, from now on you will be catching people.”
Carrying Grace I will let down my nets.
Infact it is a mutual invitation both from we human beings To our Living God and God inviting us to have partnership with Him.
Sr Agnes Vadasherry ( India )