Facilitating the Ministry of Spiritual Direction



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ONLINE  - EMMAUS PROGRAM #11 started September 7, 2024 

                                 We welcomed 12 candidates to our spiritual direction formation program. 

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We have drawn our inspiration for this ministry of spiritual direction from the Gospel story of Jesus meeting two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Lk 24:13-35). In this account, the two companions were having a conversation, speaking of their discouragement and being without hope after experiencing the happenings of the week in Jerusalem. As they were talking about all the things that had happened, suddenly, in their midst comes a 'stranger' who walks the rest of the way with them.


But as they journey on, both are listening to his teaching and words, and some mysterious 'stirring within' causes their hearts to burn and they 'recognize' it is the Lord!

"Did not our hearts burn within us as he talked with us on the road and explained the scriptures to us?"


So today, when we two companions sit together in a spiritual direction visit, both of us are listening to God for the mysterious, ineffable ways God is working within the directee's life situation - be it a period of struggle or discernment or a call to conversion... At some point in the visit, some sense of the presence of God may be revealed in a word of wisdom... or a renewed sense of purpose ... or a reassuring peace ...and the person moves forward with renewed hope and encouragement for the human/spiritual journey.


As then, so now, God is the only spiritual director and we are but God's instruments using the spiritual gifts that have been given us for the good of the members of the Mystical Body.