EMMAUS is a two year program focusing on the contemplative dimension of a spiritual direction ministry. 

YEAR ONE:  20 seminar Saturdays 

TIME:            10:00 p.m.- 12:00 p.m. ET  (note new time) 

         DATES: Sept. 7, 21 

                       Oct.  5, 19

                       Nov.  2, 16

                       Dec. 7,  21 

                       Jan. 4, 18

                       Feb. 1, 15

                       Mar. 1, 15

                       April 5  -one session this month 

                       May 3, 17 

                      June 7, 21

YEAR TWO:  20 seminar Saturdays 

TIME:             10:00 p.m - 12:00 p.m. ET (note new time) 


Each Saturday ZOOM gathering will focus on a particular aspect of the spiritual direction ministry.

  • There will be a time for prayer, GUIDED input sesions, breakout rooms. 
  • It takes time and leisure for integrating and internalizing the material presented. At-home reading hours. 
  • The session concludes with a simple prayer ritual.


Participants will commit themselves to personal prayer, attentiveness to God's stirrings in daily life, on-going spiritual direction and personal study of the readings assigned.