The content of THE EMMAUS PROGRAM constitutes a comprehensive study of the mystery and dynamics of the contemplative dimension inherent in all spiritual direction - no matter what the vocation or lifestyle of the person.
The Emmaus Program:
- will explore in-depth the theology of spiritual direction.
- will share insights from Scripture, the desert abbas and ammas, the mystical traditions of the Church, and significant spiritual masters: John of the Cross, Thomas Merton, Thomas Keating, Nemeck and Coombs (Texas) etc.
- will offer substantial guidance in meeting the needs of persons today.(e.g. grief, recovery issues, etc)
- will require candidates to prepare and present one seminar topic.
- will grant a certificate at the commissioning ritual upon completion of Year Two of the Program.
- we all follow the Code of Ethics for Spiritual Directors.
- all spiritual directors sign a confidentiality agreement.
Fee: $1,000. for Year One - includes coil-bound Course Manual, coil-bound Seminar book, and the Textbook. Payment can be made $100.00 a month.
$1,000. for Year Two - includes coil-bound Course Workbook and coil-bound Seminar book.
Payment can be made $100.00 a month.
Textbook: The Way of Spiritual Direction by Francis Kelly Nemeck OMI and Marie Theresa Coombs, hermit. Sr. Rosemary had tutored studies with both authors while she lived at Lebh Shomea