In 2004 - we moved into our first Upper Room Home in Cornwall at the:
Marguerite Bourgeoys Centre,
800 -12th Street East,
Cornwall, Ontario.
K6H 3B5
On November 22, 2004, Bishop Paul-Andre Durocher met with Sister Rosemary O'Toole and Shirley Lagrue and requested that The Upper Room Home of Prayer establish a new foundation in the Alexandria-Cornwall diocese. The ministry of on-going spiritual direction was offered by Shirley Lagrue, one of our bi-lingual spiritual directors who lives in Cornwall. We created a refreshed and renewed Spiritual Direction Room within the Marguerite Bourgeoys Centre located at 800-12th Street East in Cornwall.
An information meeting was held on Sunday May 1, 2005 in the Conference Room of the Marguerite Bourgeoys Centre.The UPPER ROOM Spiritual Direction Room was opened and blessed by Father Halle. Some thirty parishioners from the area joined us for a prayerful afternoon of welcome and sharing.
In 2006 we re-located THE UPPER ROOM (CORNWALL) to:
Campus de Cornwall, 124 Anthony Street, Cornwall, Ontario.
So on Sunday, February 4, 2007, some of our Upper Room community of husbands and wives came down to Cornwall and gave the room a beautiful transformation. It was with great joy that we blessed Shirley and prayed for all those who would come to this beautiful oasis space to listen to the mystery of God working in their lives.
On Sunday, October 18, 2009, we held another “Meet and Greet” – an open house for the people of Cornwall and surrounding area. There was an opportunity to meet our spiritual directors and ask them questions. We enjoyed casual conversation and light refreshments.
To begin spiritual direction, please call
Shirley Lagrue 613-933-5520
See the Alexandria-Cornwall Diocese website information: