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It is in the baptism of Jesus Christ, in his solitude, in his fastings, in his temptations and victories, that the devout person finds sufficient light, grace and strength to enable him/her to work effectively for the salvation of others when called to do so.

After your hidden life,
teach me next the virtues
necessary to dispose myself
for the work of zeal,
the furthering of the glory
of God your Father
and the salvation of others.

You said a tender farewell to your holy mother
who knew your plans
and knew also the loving will
which was urging you
to begin your public life
in order to accomplish
the work of our redemption.

You willed to fulfill the Law,
submitting to the baptism of repentance
which you received
from the hand of your precursor.

You withdrew then into the desert
to undergo a fast of forty days
without food or drink
and in prayer and solitude.

You willed to be tempted there
and to conquer
a powerful temptation
by vigorous resistance.

O good Jesus,
engrave these beautiful virtues in my heart.
Engrave them in the hearts of all those
who are to be instruments
for your glory
and who are to work for the salvation of others.

Make us love tears of repentance.
Then, we will weep unceasingly
over our past sins
which make us unworthy
of the blessings of your grace.

Grant that,
through prayers,
and continual mortification,
we may dispose ourselves
to receive your Holy Spirit
in order to be guided by him
in our ministries,
and filled with the light of his grace
and the fire of his holy love.

By means of these devout exercises,
may we become
formidable to demons,
overcome all their temptations,
expel them from the hearts of the faithful
and from the countries where,
much to our shameful cowardice,
they still reign.

Finally, O great Jesus,
grant the we may love
without any attachment,
and just as you left your holy mother,
may we be ready to leave those dearest to us
whenever it is a question
of going where we can help others
and work effectively
to promote the glory of your Father."

(Writings of Jean-Pierre Medaille pp. 119-120)